Tim Harris

Tim Harris is a living testament to the power of mental resilience. Faced wit...

Speaker fees:

In-person: £3k-£5k
Virtual: £3k-£5k


Adversity & Resilience
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Trauma/Lived Experiences

In Tim Harris, companies and individuals find not only an inspirational figure but a guide who has turned adversity into a source of strength, providing invaluable insights on the journey to mental well-being and professional effectiveness.

Tim Harris is a living testament to the power of mental resilience. Faced with depression, severe arthritis and a shoulder reconstruction, he defied the odds by embarking on one of the world’s most challenging endeavours—the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, an unassisted row across the Atlantic Ocean. More exclusive than space travel or conquering Everest, Tim’s journey was a triumph over physical and mental obstacles.

Tim’s professional journey began as a Government Bond Trader, fast forward 24 years and after spending his last 12 as Global Head of Fuel Oil for PVM Oil Associates, Tim was on the brink of utter burnout and realised something had to change.

And so, in 2020, amidst his successful corporate career, Tim decided to confront a personal challenge that would test the limits of his mental and physical endurance. Motivated by a desire to raise awareness for mental health issues, Tim and friend, Simon Calver joined the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, a grueling 3000-mile unassisted row across the Atlantic. Despite being told that he couldn’t achieve this feat, neither mentally nor physically, Tim dedicated two years to rigorous training.

Book Tim Harris

Featured topics include

Tim is well associated with the cause and effects of burnout. He lived it. His experiences are told to us in an educated and sincere manner.

Motivation from Tim can easily be associated to the 3000mile unassisted rowing race he completed, however, Tim also elaborates about how motivation for him is being a good, present father and husband.

During his darkest times, suicide ideation was a real threat to Tim. He addresses this subject with honesty and sympathy to what it is.

The physical feat of rowing 3000 miles is hard to comprehend, however we often forget about the utter repetitiveness of constantly having to row, two hour shifts, for 52 days straight.

Tim can testify to countless times his resilience was tested. He’s had to garner resilience in his mental health and resilience in his physical attributes.

Though he’s happy and well educated to talk about the routine of rowing constantly for 52 days, he often likens this topic to his corporate days and how his routine was his downfall.

At a point in Tim’s life, he was 1,500miles from any means of medical assistance. The pressure and stress associated to this can overwhelm many. Tim explains how he managed!

Tim elaborates on the positive effects of productivity and how it can help lead to a healthier, happier life.

With suicide as an unwelcoming presence in Tim’s life, he talks us through how he pulled himself from such adversity and into competing and completing the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Rowing Race.

His 3000 mile row was with friend, Simon. Tim talks to us about being part of a small, intricate team, highly dependable on each other!

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